Calvin Leacock, Arizona – has studied with VTTBM over the phone since June 2013
When beginning this journey, to better understand the word and go deeper in my relationship with Christ, I was very reluctant to reach out to my cousin June because I wasn't sure where exactly growing in my relationship with God would take me (and I was a little scared to find out, if im being completely honest). However since my cousins and I have been reading the word, it has strengthened my relationship with Christ to a level I never thought I would be at. My walk is a lot stronger, my understanding is clearer, and im walking in boldness because of Christ. I feel myself ministering to random coworkers and people I meet all over, about the gospel. I look back at all the people in the Bible that did terrible things like Saul for example and that just motivates me to know that if Christ can use someone likes Saul who persecuted and murdered His people, He can use me–despite the mistakes and sins I've committed. And that in itself keeps me fighting everyday. Studying the word with my cousins on a weekly basis has also shown me a different interpretation of the word that I've never notice before. The Word is so ever changing in the sense that depending on the day or the situation that you are going thru when you read it, it has a different application for that particular day or situation.
Finally The Word has revealed so many different things in my life that I need and have to change and bring before the Lord in prayer and fasting than I ever imagine. My life has now been brought into the light where I can see clearly what needs to be changed, what needs to be gotten rid of, and what needs to be increased. A lot of it is very scary and a lot of it is going to take faith, time, and hard work. But the revelation of these things would not have came to pass if I hadn't decided to start this journey with my cousins (VTTBM), diving into The Word weekly and on my own. I'm very thankful that we did. This has changed my life and my destiny, without a doubt.