Teach Your Children, Part 4: Fear of The Lord


What is God Saying to the Church Today?



TEACH YOUR CHILDREN, PART 4: Teach Your Children the Fear of the Lord


Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ, God bless you as we study His word together.  

God desires godly seed.  In Part 1 of this message, I shared with you that in order for you to produce godly seed, training must first begin in you, the parent. In Part 2, I shared with you that the first practical step in the training process is to build a family altar. In Part 3, the second practical step in training your children was to impart to them all you know. Today in Part 4, I will share with you the third practical step in training your children up to be godly seed, pleasing God and living fulfilling lives, is to teach them the fear of God.


God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent.

David said in Psalm139, If I make my bed in hell, lo He is there.  If I take the wings of the morning and fly to the uttermost part of the earth, lo He is right there.  

What does this mean for your children?  He is everywhere.  He is a very present help in time of need.  He is always there.  He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He is high and lifted up above all gods.  This is the God they serve.  He, who spoke the world into existence with His words is their father and friend.  He gave them the authority, because of their acceptance of His shed blood, to call His Abba, Father.

Make sure they understand that He is not the opposite of Satan.  Satan is a created being who must answer to God who is above all.  What love that God of the universe would lay down His heavenly throne and come down here to earth to die for us!  David said, what is man that you are mindful of him? They must know that He loves them.  He will never leave nor forsake them.  His eyes are always upon them to guide them in love.


Teach them to submit their wills to Him.

As they do so, they will fall in love with Him and develop intimacy, relationship, with Him.  When they learn to love Him, it will pain them to sin against Him who their heart loves so.

But how can they submit to a God they cannot see if you do not teach them to submit to you and to the authority around them.  As in the natural, so in the spiritual.  It’s hard for them to respect a God they cannot see when they cannot respect a father or mother they can see.  Ask God to teach you how to teach them, submission.  It will begin with you learning to submit.


Teach them early to honor God with their tithes and offerings.

Just because you have a hard time tithing is no need to neglect their education, but all the more necessary to teach them early.


Teach them to love God by lifting up their hands

and saying, “I love you Jesus.  Show me how to love you as I ought to!”


Have them all, no matter how young, to take part in worship service in church.

Do not let them play and talk during this time.


Teach them to be still during the move of the Holy Spirit.

It is disrespectful and dishonors the move of the Holy Spirit

when you allow your children to talk during the message, the worship, when a prophecy is coming forth or when someone is praying.

Parents, church is not a place or the time to play with your babies Some of you are so wounded inside from past pain that you seek negative attention wherever you could get it, so if someone smiles at the baby’s antics you feel good.  Stop it.  They may smile but who is giving the grade to you, them or God?  Who will say in the end, Well done or Depart from me, them or God? What ever you do, must be to please Him, not people around you, just so you can feel good.

Train them at home to have quiet time by finding an hour or so each day when everyone sits and reads or colors quietly and independently with the TV and Radio off.  You model this by doing quiet time also with them.  This could be a good time for the older ones to do their individual Bible study or independent homework.  Any help they need they can make a note in the margin of their note book and ask questions at the end of the quiet hour. 

Let them know that in church during the message it is quiet time.  The younger ones can have a basket which you ensure is refilled each week before church.  In the basket you may have such items as crayons, a coloring book, a favorite story book, etc., items they can play with quietly and independently between worship and altar call.  Separate them on either side of you to cut down on the temptation for them to speak to each other.  The mid-older ones can do their homework, skipping the problems they have questions about and making a note of any questions they may have in the margin of their note book until you are able to speak with them.  They can read, or write or color independently after they are done.  The older ones should be encouraged to listen to the message and take notes, making a basic outline of the main points of the message, not on their cell phones or music in their ears.  Discuss this with them later or at Bible study the next day.  Older children should not have games and should be made responsible for listening to the message.

You may want to ensure that the church you attend has a biblical based, not a social gathering, but a biblical based teaching time or youth service they can attend.  Attend the youth services or children services a few times in the year to ensure they are getting the word taught to them.  Trust God to lead you to the right Church where the needs of each of the family members are met.

 Do not let the children play video games or anything that will distract others from listening to the service.  Do not let your toddlers climb up on the seat and talk to the people behind them.  Again, this is not cute.  It is disrespectful to the Pastor and to the move of the Holy Ghost.  And do not give them candy or your keys or let them have big sister’s stuff, anything they cry fo,r just so they will shut up.  They’ll never understand that your no means no or that they cannot and will not have their own way if they cry. Giving them their own way is totally counteractive to teaching them the fear of the Lord.  Take them out and swat their bottoms in the bathroom.  No need to shout at them or abuse them.  Plan ahead and let them know ahead what you expect, and follow through.  Let them know that you mean business, that church is a place to show respect for God, to please Him and not for them to get their own way.

A word of advice for a parent whose spouse is not doing their part in the disciplining process- quit nagging your spouse.  You are not the boss of them.  You cannot change them for the better with your nagging, only make them behave worse.  The Holy Spirit cannot work in confusion and disunity.  The children cannot learn the fear of the Lord when you show your spouse disrespect.  You do your part.  You cannot neglect their training just because your spouse is.  Pray a lot.  Forgive a lot.  Stand on God’s word a lot and watch Him do the work in your spouse.

The Bible says in Matthew 11:12 that

the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force,

and in Mark 3:25

And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

and in Mark 3:27

No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house. 

We have to fight furiously to keep the enemy out, but our weapons of warfare are not carnal.  We are fighting, not our spouse and our children, but Satan who tries to come into our house.  To fight Him we have to use the spiritual weapons which are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.


So the 3rd practical step in training up godly seed is to teach them the fear of the Lord by teaching them

  • God is with them everywhere and always
  • Submit their wills to God
  • Worship God in praise, and in tithes and offerings
  • Do not play with them in church
  • Do not neglect their discipline because you spouse is not doing his or her part
  • Do not let strife into your house by fighting with your spouse about things you cannot change, but do spiritual warfare so God can do the changes


In Part 5 of this 5 part series, we will share with you the 4th practical step in training up godly seed. You can find more information about this subject in my book, Women Called to Arms! If we’ve been a blessing to you, or if we can pray for you, let us know.  

Until next time this is J.A. Thomas from Voice to the Believer Ministries encouraging you to take God at His word.