About Voice to The Believer Ministries (VTTBM)


Our Mission

What We Are to do

Founded on December 19th 2001, Voice to the Believer Ministries is God’s voice in the earth so that the believer will passionately live out their blood bought life in this earth, with purity, purpose, and full abundance, and in turn help others to do the same.

Our Vision


We will be used by God through the power and guidance of His Holy Ghost to clearly communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Father’s heart and mind for each individual, by demonstration of His Holy Ghost and power, in ways that are relevant for everyday living, through, but not limited to, the following means:

  • Worship

  • Intercessory Prayer

  • Deliverance

  • Training School from the cradle to the grave

  • Mission Outreaches locally, statewide, and abroad

Our Core Values

Who We are

1. Love (Mark 12:31, 32) – We value loving Jesus because it is God greatest command given by Him to better our relationship with Him and others. Love IS God (1 John 4:8, 16).

2. Prayer (Ephesians 6:18) – We value personal and corporate prayer because it draws us closer to God personally, to one another, gives us direction, and makes our lives more significant. Prayer changes events, circumstances and people See an example in Acts 28.

 3. The Bible – We value the word of God because it give us a understanding of who God is, what He means in our life, as well as basic instruction for everyday life. The word of God is God Himself, is Jesus in the flesh (John 1:1, 14). The word of God must never be read and interpreted without the Holy Spirit whose job is to interpret the word and to empower us to obey it (John 14:26, 16:13). Obeying the word proves our love for Jesus (John 14:15, 23).

4. Family & Community (Ephesians 5:15-6:4) – We value family as one of the greatest examples of God’s love, so we give love to our immediate, extended and Christian family.

5. Trans ethnicity (Galatians 3:28) – We value all of God’s people no matter what the color of their race, financial status, personal history, or other. Our relationship with Christ means more than our racial and other background.

6. Faith (Romans 10:6) –  We value faith in God, His word, and prayer because it builds our trust in God that His will is best for our lives, even in tough times.

7. Authentic Relationships (Proverbs 27:17) – We value Authentic Relationships because it develops strong relationships, character and accountability, and nurture our growth in Christ as we do life together.

Our Beliefs


We believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth.

We believe in Jesus Christ who is God in the flesh, who left His heavenly throne to come to earth and become sin for us.

We believe in the power of God and the truth of His Holy Bible which is the Word, One with God and One with Jesus who is the Truth, the Way and the Life

We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, that He was crucified, died a physical death, was buried, and was resurrected the third day.

We believe that while He was on earth He left us an example that all believers should follow in His steps; and carry out His mandate to go tell the good news of His work on earth for all mankind, to reconcile them back to God.

We believe that Jesus in His death descended to the lowest parts of hell, and took back the keys of death and hell.

We believe that Jesus, after His resurrection, appeared on earth to many of His disciples and while they watched, He ascended up to heaven in the clouds where He will come again in like manner as He left. He is now in heaven where He is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us.

We believe He is preparing a place for us who believe that where He is we can also be.
We believe He sent the Holy Spirit who is the third part of the Godhead, as our comforter and guide, the third part of the Trinity- Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

We believe that the Holy Ghost sent by the Father teaches us all things of Jesus and is preparing us who yield to Him, for the second coming of Christ, the Bride Groom who will appear one day for all those who believe, the Church, who is His bride, where we will be ever with Him.

We believe that the Holy Spirit is a free gift to all who believe, and that He releases gifts in all yielded believers which give us the power to be witnesses of Christ.

We further believe that man never dies, only his body returns to the earth, and that man will spend eternity in heaven or hell according to as he chooses.

We believe that believers everywhere should occupy until Christ comes again by being witnesses of the truths of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, until He comes again or until we go to Him.