Pre-Marriage and Marriage Renewal Training (Foundational Classes)
Pre-Marriage and Marriage Renewal Training (Foundational Classes)
by J. A. Thomas
233 Pages (Perfect Bound Paperback)
ISBN: 978-0-359-41820-6
Marriage is a binding contract, a blood covenant that must never be entered into lightly, unadvisedly, and without much counsel and prayer. It is an institution created by God and is a picture of the covenant the church who is the bride of Christ, has with the Groom, Christ, who gave His life for her. This is a great mystery. Is each party ready for such a commitment? Is he the one she can entrust her life and the life of their children to? Is she the one that his heart can safely trust in, the one who will be his godly help-meet and a loving and caring mother to the children?
This manual, though in no way conclusive or complete, is an attempt to inform the engaged couple, and remind the already married couple, of the gravity of the marriage covenant. The ramifications of marriage and living as a couple in holy matrimony, are far-reaching and can hardly be contained in a manual such as this.